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Fiancé(e) or Spousal Visa Can Open the Door to a New Life

April 12, 2012 – Paul W. Schroepfer & Robert A. Correia

Robichaud Law - Minneapolis Personal Injury & Immigration Attorneys

The stories that many immigrants can tell of bringing loved ones to join them in America are often inspiring.

To be sure, there are typically many twists and turns along the way. But the goal of obtaining a fiancé visa or spousal visa is a strong incentive to stay the course.

Consider, for example, a man from Poland named George who now lives in Worthington, Minnesota, with his wife and their two sons.

George is a native of Poland and his name was originally Jerzy. Jerzy Andrzej Wolymiec, to be exact.

Over twenty years ago, just before he graduated from college in Poland, George made an extended visit to Greece. While there, he met Paula, his wife-to-be, at a church. She was an American who was in Greece teaching English.

George proposed to Paula before she left Greece at the end of the school year. She accepted, and eventually the couple settled in Paula’s hometown of Orange, Iowa, in 1991.

A few years later, the Worthington school district hired Paula as a teacher and the couple moved there. George has worked in several industrial plants. He also got his associate’s degree in law enforcement and has worked in security for a wind company, as well as with tribal police in Redwood Falls.

And that’s not all. George is also a certified EMT and helps out on weekends with an ambulance service in nearby Adrian.

In 1997, six years after coming to America, George became a U.S. citizen. Achieving that citizenship remains one of the highlights of his life.

Source: “Just call him George,” Beth Rickers, Worthington Daily Globe,” 3-26-12

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